

Sabtu, 05 Juli 2014

Nichkhun Men's Uno China

[Full Trans Compiled - All 6 Parts] Men's Uno China Part 1

He has a cute image, beastly physique and gentlemanly persona. Asia’s Super Idol Nichkhun, under the support of his thousands of fans, has finally emerged with a new beginning through his drama – One & a Half Summer. Embarking on his journey in China.

Nichkhun possessed all the characteristics of a quality idol.Tall, handsome, multi-talented but all these external qualities are not the most crucial.

In the tough Korean Idol making industry, the ones who survives it all and ability to open up the Asia market. Everyone has a uniqueness to them. And Nichkhun’s uniqueness is his very high EQ.

In the reality show, We got Married, his daily ways and behavior revealed to us his real temperaments and his attitude towards life. And that is the reason how he managed to capture the hearts of thousands and thousands of fans.

This date with , let us get closer to Nichkhun and search for the source where the immerse charm of this Super Idol dwells.

[Trans] Men's Uno China Part 2

Having been through helplessness, hence he hopes to be like the sunlight bringing warmth to others.

We understand the extend of Nickhun’s popularity through the various media meet-ups. But what’s surprising is that the resourceful fans actually knows the schedule of this magazine shoot even though it was not made known publicly. Thereafter,there was a group of “Nich fans” gathered outside the studio but they just waited quietly with no slightest intention of sneaking in. They have the same consensus to not disturb their idol’s work with only the intention to give him support when he arrives and comes out of the venue.

This also helps answers our doubts to how was he able to finish his drama despite being overwhelming surrounded by groups of fans. Perhaps, it is people who are being differentiated by groups. Between Idol and fans, it could be due to the similarities between them that leads making them whole as one. It is not the first time that Nichkhun has praise his fans of being a very polite and orderly group. If media were to describe this as zealous, then it would be rationale zealous.

He is a person who abides by proper manners himself. That is because when he was young, Grandma was very strict on him in this area. When he was 8yrs old together with his brother and sisters, they visited Grandma in US. On the first day, Grandma gave everyone a notebook. After which, Grandma would make them copy and memorized certain rules and manners. When there is violation of the rules, they will need to face the wall or by not getting to eat their favorite food as a form of punishment.

Nichkhun’s Grandma is from China, actually there is 3quarters Chinese blood in him. But because he grew up in Thailand, New Zealand, US and debuted from Korea, he feels that he is like a universal person. The world in his eyes is like a big family.

Before he came to China, his Chinese standard is as good as zero.That’s why during the filming of the crew pranked on him by teaching him, “How are you?”- Ni Hao as “You are silly” - Ni Sha. After he learnt it, he went around saying “You are silly” - Ni Sha to everyone happily which created a lot of laughter to everyone.

[Trans] Men's Uno China Part 3

Debuted with image of a sunny boy, Nichkhun has been known to be optimistic and has a nice temper.He can blend into any group easily, this could also be attributed to his lonely teen years. When he was in junior high school, his parents sent his brother and him to a boarding school in New Zealand. After 1.5years, his brother went to study in US and he was left to study in New Zealand. A 13-14yr old child who’s weak in English in an unfamiliar environment with no friends or family, one can only imagine how lonely that would be.

"Back then, I would call home every day crying to my mum, because I have no friends so my concentration was on my studies."

In a year, he learns what others do in 2years. The boy who was playful in Thailand, slowly became quiet and his way to overcome loneliness was to draw, play the piano and badminton. These additional skills helped him to overcome the difficult time that passed away slowly.

Because he had experienced loneliness and helplessness, that’s why he particularly likes a lively atmosphere and hopes to be like a sunshine that brings warmth to others. That’s why he is so willing to take care of the people around him so that they don’t have the feeling of loneliness.

[Trans] Men's Uno China Part 4

[Because of the temptations that exist only then can you prove to yourself how good a person you can be]

During High school year 3, he transferred school to US. He stayed in his Aunty’s home in California and spent his happiest years in High school there. In Thailand, because he always changes schools while in New Zealand he wasn’t able to blend in hence he didn’t make any good friends. But in US, he was like fish to the water, not only did he make many lifelong friends there but also have a better grasp of his future plans.

“I was thinking to buy a car when I got into University then followed by an apartment. After graduation, I would open a bakery and party with friends every day. What a wonderful life that is.”

Until High school 3rd year, He went to a concert with friends which changed his destiny greatly. He was talent-scouted by one of the Top 3 entertainment agencies in Korea, JYP Entertainment. At the same time, CJ E&M was also interested in him but he chose to be a trainee under JYP.

“JYP wanted to conduct the interview at a hotel initially but I found it too far and wasn’t willing to go. 5-6 people got off the car with video cameras and started filming me, they told me to sing and dance right there and then. And I did just that. Before leaving, they gave me a Rain’s CD, two weeks later I received a call saying that I was selected. And was the only one who got selected from overseas. Their reason was that, they saw something different in my eyes but I thought they were impressed by my daringness to dance in public.”

On one hand, was a wonderful life that I love which has been well-thought out, on the other hand is an unknown world full of challenges. How does one make the decision? It was Nichkhun’s parent’s opinions that helped him made the most important decision. “My dad told me, you should empower yourself with the most experiences to be the kind of person that you want to be. Going into this industry may bring you money, fame and girls. But because of the temptations that exists, only then can you prove to yourself how good a person you can be.

After signing the contract, he was hoping to finish his high school but company advised him to go over immediately. Because in JYP, the trainees start when they are 14-15yrs old , he was already 18 and is starting later than others. It happens that Rain was in Thailand doing his “Rainy Day” concert, it was a good chance for him to debut. Company arranged for him to go Thailand to host similar reality shows. Just a period of 2 weeks before they knew it, they were flooded with media interview requests and a lot of people started fanclubs for him. When he was back in States, the school did not received his leave application, the absence of 3 weeks greatly affected his GPA. Thus he had to bade farewell to his high school life in the name of career. This remains in his heart till today. “My dad was very upset and scolded me for being careless. He said even though you are working, you should not give up your studies. So this incident made me felt very down for quite a while.”

In fact greater challenges awaited him in Korea during that 1year plus of trainee life. Staying in the company hostel, attending the performance and dance classes based on the time-table. Also having to learn Korean, the schedule starts from 9am to 11pm. There was only a short rest during lunch time. There were also strict rules to follow like, no dating, the only rest day was on Sunday with a curfew of not later than 10.30pm to be back at the hostel. “These were not problems to me actually. What I’m afraid of the most of were the monthly tests. To dance and sing a song which will be recorded and there will be comparisons, if there are no improvements from the previous months then you will be eliminated.

The trainings were extremely tough with no friends and there is no knowing if one can endure till the debut album is out. There were many times Nichkhun felt like giving up. “I found out that the compensation to break the contract costs 30,000USD. I don’t have that much money. After that my parents encouraged me greatly, they said since you were selected from many other hopefuls, you must have confidence in yourself, endure and do your best. I thought, if I could endure the tough times in New Zealand, why I can’t I do the same now? So I stayed on and endured.

[Trans] Men's Uno China Part 5

[When working do your best at work, when back to life, drop everything and live life]

In 2008, Nichkhun debuted as a member of Korean group 2PM. Upon debut, there was very high popularity among all kinds of variety shows and events. Because of this he became the pride of Thai people. Madame Tussauds museum in Bangkok has his wax figurine, in 2012 he received the Kerd Awards for the “Most Influential Person”.

And the one that reaps him the most fans was variety show (We Got Married), together with Victoria of f(x). Through a reality show approach, they were the Foreign couple who enjoys their life in Korea. The audience who were immersed in the show hopes that the couple will be a real couple in life even after the show ended. But earlier this year, Nichkhun revealed that he was dating Tiffany of Girls Generation which shattered the hopes of all Khuntoria fans.

Even though he is regarded as the Super Idol of asia but Nichkhun is not packaged up like that of an idol. Getting married and having children has always being part his important plan. In his heart, true success is not having a lot of fame and fortune but a harmonious home. He feels very deeply for his family, back then when there were CF shootings he would always be accompanied by the whole family. “Whenever I go back to Thailand, the whole family would gather. There are 30 members in my family, we would have meals together and it’s the moment which I feel the most blessed. Even when I’m not at home, the family would gather together every Sunday.”

Nichkhun’s ultimate goal is to be a “good father”,the meaning of a good father is one who doesn’t hit his children, always makes meals for them, teach them to play piano and sports. “So long as it is not a bad thing, I will do it for my children.” His ideas are very detailed; he wants a girl and a boy. “If the first is a boy and the second is a daughter, that would be the best. That way the brother can take care of the younger sister.”

Even though fans may see this as not being driven but Nichkhun’s perspective remains the same, “I used to have a Thai stylist who was an engineer initially. But he discovers he loves to style hair so he gave up a good job and started learning from scratch. I think this is the right attitude. I’m also the same; I want to do the things that I like to do.”

In Nichkhun’s view to have a happy family will not crash with him having a successful entertainment career. In recent years, other than Korea he has also ventured into Japan and China market. In future, there will be more plans for him to accomplish.

Nichkhun always remembers what Rain told him when he first went into the entertainment circle; “No matter what you do, you need to focus and do your best. When working do your best at work, when back to life, drop everything and live life. Without focus the end result is that you will not do well for both.”

The important thing for Nichkhun now is to train his focus to be a good man who can manage both his career and family well. This should be the ultimate goal for a Super Idol.

[Trans] Men's Uno China Part 5 (Finale) - Conversation with Nichkhun

R: Everyone is looking forward to One & a Half Summer, in terms of character and attitude, is he similar to you? What’re your thoughts after finishing the drama?
Nichkhun: Zhang Hao and me are very similar, we’re both from US knows very little about the Chinese culture and due to this, it created a lot of jokes. When portraying this character, I tried very much to be myself. Hope everyone will like Zhang Hao.

R: When filming, there was a chance to go to Greece. Share with us any unforgettable incident or feeling?
Nichkhun: The place itself is unforgettable, the houses , the churches are in blue and white colours. The view of the sunset is very beautiful from the sea. One day I want to go there with my family.

R: As an actor, who started off as a singer, is acting hard for you? The news reported that during the filming, you were constantly surrounded by fans and onlookers. Is this consider a test to your performance?
Nichkhun: Firstly, I think my fans will be quiet. When there are a lot of people are looking at me, I will be nervous but I feel that it is good training for me at the same time. My fans are very nice, they are quiet and brings me a lot of delicious food.

R: Have you been to China before your drama? What is your impression of the (place), people or food?
Nichkhun: My mum is from Hainan! Recently I had the chance to visit there. It’s so beautiful!

R: You have acted in Japan, Korea, Thailand and China. In different countries, what are the different feelings?
Nichkhun: I think it’s the same everywhere cos the ones who worked with me always strive to do their best. The only differences are the languages.

R: What other character would you like to try out?
Nichkhun: I want to try something like Liam Neeson’s character in movie to fight for the ones he loves.

R: As Nichkhun, the member of Idol group 2PM and Nichkhun as an individual, what is the difference?
Nichkhun: I need to dance non-stop, sing and stay energetic but in real life, I am quiet and shy.

R: Everyone has got a hero, who is the big hero in your heart? The man you admire the most now.
Nichkhun: My father is the only hero in my heart. He guides and moulds me into the person I am today.

R: Are you addicted to anything recently? Something that you have been doing more in daily life but there’s not much meaning to it.
Nichkhun: Recently, I have an interest in buying antiques and decorative items, drawing as well.

R: is there any part of your body that you are not satisfied with?
Nichkhun: My legs are a bit too slim

R: Other than actor, what other jobs would you like to try?
Nichkhun: I would like to be a chef or baker.

R: What is the most in-depth topic that you and family (or friends) talk about recently?
Nichkhun: My family are always worried about my health and happiness. So we constantly talk about my daily life and schedules.

R: What’s your working plans like for the next half a year?
Nichkhun: I will be filming a new drama in China, new albums will be released in Korea and Japan. And plans to kick-off the next tour.

CH-ENG: Careyblue21
Interview Pic Thanks to: XxSs_Khunnie

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